Migrant workers and their families have been an important factor within the Huron and other Wayne County agricultural communities. From early spring through late fall, migrant workers spend long days in the orchards and fields of the local farms. When the harvest is completed in the fall, many of these families head south where they continue to contribute their skills and knowledge to the farming communities there. The sharing of the stories from these transient people is indeed a very important part of the history and fabric of  the town of Huron.

A conversation with Patricia Black recently reminded me that the migrant history of Huron must be told from as many facets as possible. I invite people to share with this historian their stories, photos, and any memorabilia to post on these pages to help tell the history of a very important group of workers and friends, without whom our agricultural community would likely be much different.

It is with great pleasure to post introductory information here, with the permission of Patricia Black, about her father, and the work Patricia has done herself to further the telling of this very important local history.  Please begin the journey to explore Patricia’s contributions to the pages of migrant history by following this link to the next page. Patricia has done a remarkable job lighting a fire. Let’s keep the flames roaring.